ID: 5389
Jun 16 2024
Wait for BDEngine to load to get the command
Get the command
For Command Block or Axiom mod
Open in BDEngine Report
The model contains:
gray concrete: 6
gray wool: 3
white concrete: 12
cyan terracotta: 12
quartz slab: 3
white wool: 10
light blue concrete: 1
Text Display: 7
redstone block: 1
light gray concrete powder: 2
emerald: 1
diamond: 1
rotten flesh: 1
golden sword: 1
diamond pickaxe: 1
raw gold: 1
red concrete: 1
black wool: 11
white concrete powder: 1
stripped spruce wood: 13
brown terracotta: 1
crafting table: 2
chain command block: 1
oak planks: 4
yellow terracotta: 3
stripped mangrove wood: 3
chiseled sandstone: 3
dark prismarine: 3
mangrove wood: 2
polished andesite: 1
iron block: 2
stone: 38
deepslate tiles: 2
black concrete: 1
stripped jungle wood: 2
cobbled deepslate: 1
polished deepslate: 1
stripped oak wood: 2
blue concrete: 1
blue wool: 3
red wool: 2
How do I move or rotate the model?

Use the editor window above to rotate or move the model as you want, and then click the Get the command button to get a new command.
If you want to make more changes or completely remake the model, open the full version of the editor using the Open in BDEngine button.

How to use it?

Via command blocks:

To use a command in the game, you need a Command Block, as the chat field in Minecraft has a character limit.

      1. Open the chat on the "/" button and paste this command into it:
/give @p command_block
      2. Place the Command Block in the desired location.
      3. Right-click on the Command Block and specify in the Console Command field - this model's command, which you can copy by clicking on Get the command.
      4. Change Need Redstone to Always Active.
      5. Press Done.

Now you can destroy the Command Block and enjoy the installed model. Repeat the procedure several times if there are multiple model commands in the export window.

Via Axiom mod:

Be sure to install Axiom [modrinth] if you haven't already.

      1. Click Get the command, select Command format: Axiom and copy the command.
      2. Open the desired world in the game.
      3. Use ctrl + V to insert a model into the world.
      4. Click on the small white cube, next to the model, to move and rotate it.

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Also by Risezee

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