Authors on the cover: The authors of the models on the cover: AlmazAr3 and illystray
Authors on the cover: The authors of the models on the cover: q8h, Rasterio_, _PrometheuZ_, TripletOwn, yersacaltara, Mawghen and Bom2u
Authors on the cover: Cover resource pack: Pixlli by illystray
Authors on the cover: Rasterio_, __ZolMik__, AHDPEY, End_Zone4_0, F0X_jL, VinalyXD, zencsus, Neutronix_, Just44Power, Yegor_Mechanic
Authors on the cover: Rasterio_, AHDPEEY, Yegor_Mechanic, __ZolMik__
Authors on the cover: Senzichi, Lord_Honoria, Maxouxou77, KRiSinnit, NightSteak9, Blazekh, End_Zone4_0, D5FB4, AngeDrachip, Loak_, winping_, Gecko72, GabrielPlay_XD, SaddestCarrot, Daejavu, nay_san, ItzDuck_, DaftCraftYT
Authors on the cover: H0copog, Toxin_YT, ookachaka, Wataru, bentv, DaftCraftYT, Checkln
Authors on the cover: computersRcool, SETJX80, Checkln, DaftCraftYT, Maestro, Eisenp3lz, Johnasan, Antimattur, Loak_, juer
Now the textures with animation have been cut to 16x16, as well as black and white textures for biomes - colored green
Authors on the cover: illystray